DataStore Space Limit Questions

Just to confirm the current DataStore space limitation.
I have two dictionaries that will store game data from these DS:

 -- General DS for all players - single scope
local MyGameStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("MyGame", "MyGame")

 -- Individual DS for each player
local PlayerKey = "Player_".. Player.UserId
PlayerStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Player", PlayerKey)

In the case above:

  1. Will MyGameStore have an individual 4MB limit?
  2. Will PlayerStore have a 4MB limit for EACH PLAYER (scope)? For example, in the case above it will have Player_1 4 Mb, then Player_2 will have another 4 Mb, and so on?

Is that correct?

Im pretty positive it is unlimited.

like others have said there is no limit? you can have multiple values saved for each player and itll work fine

datastore service can be down in which you would wrap the functions in a pcall

Apparently, there is a limit as stated in the link above. Unless its outdated. It hasn’t been an issue before, so I don’t think theres a limit.

You shouldn’t need to worry about the limit, as there was no problem with the limit before, so why now?

As far as I’m aware, Roblox only limits characters and not storage space. Here are screenshots from the DataStore DevHub post.

i dont see it. i only see limits of 6 seconds between asyncs

There are also limits applied to the data store model. If an experience exceeds these limits, the service will automatically throttle the experience’s data store usage, causing requests to be placed in a queue.

Server Limits:

Each server is allowed a certain number of data store requests based on the request type and number of players (more data is needed for more players).

Data Limits:

Along with request frequency, data stores limit how much data can be used per entry. The key, name, and scope must all be under a certain character length, as well as the amount of data stored.

I am very confused. Correct me if im wrong.

Ive never had an issue with this

Same here, which is why I am confused.

Usually because the limits are actually very high to anyone who uses datastores correctly. Roblox lets you store 4 million characters in a single datastore key.

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Solution: m u l t i p l e d a t a s t o r e k e y s .


Damn bro thats a lot of characters

Could anyone answer my question?

Well, short answer no as theres no limit for storage.

The 4MB limit is applied individually to each key

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