The context
I’m making a In-Game purchase system -
What is the issue?
I have a Module Script with the code bellow that (in a specific situation) is called at the same time by 2 asynchronous theads. Both functions are called in both threads.
function RobuxStoreDataModule.getTransaction(player, purchaseId)
local TransactionDataStore = DataStore2(GlobalEnums.playerDataKeys['ROBUX_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION'], player)
local transctionsTable = TransactionDataStore:GetTable({})
return transctionsTable[purchaseId]
function RobuxStoreDataModule.storeTransaction(player, purchaseId, success)
local TransactionDataStore = DataStore2(GlobalEnums.playerDataKeys['ROBUX_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION'], player)
currentValue[purchaseId] = success
return currentValue
The problem is that they are saving data in the same table and basically one transaction end up being overwrited. Here is an example to illustrate:
Output before run threads:
["transaction_1"] = true,
Output given after each thread runs storeTransaction function:
thread 1:
["transaction_1"] = true,
["transaction_2"] = true,
thread 2:
["transaction_1"] = true,
["transaction_3"] = true,
What solutions have you tried so far?
I tried using DataStore:Set(), but result is the same.
4 What I want to achieve?
One solution I can think of is to split every single product into a separate DataStore2 key, but I want to avoid that to not lose organization. How to solve this overwriting problem?
5 Aditional code
If it helps here’s the code where module functions are called:
-- The core 'ProcessReceipt' callback function
local function processReceipt(receiptInfo)
-- Determine if the product was already granted by checking the data store
local productId = tostring(receiptInfo.ProductId)
local purchased = false
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
local plr = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(receiptInfo.PlayerId)
purchased = RobuxStoreDataModule.getTransaction(plr, receiptInfo.PurchaseId)
-- If purchase was recorded, the product was already granted
if success and purchased then
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted
elseif not success then
error("Data store error:" .. errorMessage)
-- Find the player who made the purchase in the server
local player = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(receiptInfo.PlayerId)
if not player then
-- The player probably left the game
-- If they come back, the callback will be called again
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet
-- Call the handler function and catch any errors
local success, result = pcall(function()
if verifyAvailability(player, productId) then
RewardsModule.giveRobuxProduct(player, productId)
return true
return false
if not success or not result then
warn("Error occurred while processing a product purchase")
print("\nProductId:", productId)
print("\nPlayer:", player)
WarnRobuxPurchaseErrorRE:FireClient(player, productId)
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet
-- Record transaction in data store so it isn't granted again
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
RobuxStoreDataModule.storeTransaction(player, receiptInfo.PurchaseId, true)
if not success then
error("Cannot save purchase data: " .. errorMessage)
-- IMPORTANT: Tell Roblox that the game successfully handled the purchase
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted
-- Set the callback; this can only be done once by one script on the server!
MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = processReceipt