Datastore2 saving & accessing multiple dictionaries

I have done some research about this and suprisingly, none helped so far.
So what I’m tryna do is, I’m trying to save multiple tables with an inside value.
I don’t actually know if you have to combine each key inside the table or if you can just save a single table containing all of them.

here is my code so far:

local data2 = require(game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Datastore2"))
local waitTime = 60
local dataKey = "KeyTestDebug"
local userDataStoreName = "UserDataStore"

local function setDataTables()
local userData = {

stats = {
    ["NBux"] = 0,
    ["Wins"] = 0,

inventory = {

    ["Turret"] = {
        Level = 1,
        Amount = 1,

return userData

	local userData = data2(dataKey, player):Get(setDataTables())
    for dataName, dataValue in pairs(userData) do
        print(dataValue, dataKey)


while wait(waitTime) do
    data2(userDataStoreName, player):Set(userData)

My updating method:

everything worked so far except the saving part. playerremoving or saving every second doesn’t help because I get this message when I leave:

Which makes me really confused. Reminder that I have done countless of research and none helped.