DataStores are Slow

It seems there is a delay for when I use SetAsync and UpdateAsync with DataStores. Is this a bug?

Also, I am on a Team Create Group Game.

If this is a bug it is quite annoying and my internet is fast…

Nope. This also happens to me. When I use SetAsync or UpdateAsync it takes ~1.5 seconds to change the value. Sadly, this is a limitation of Data Stores.
Also, this isn’t the most appropriate category to post this topic in.

No. It is not. The documentation describes it as

a yielding function. When called, it will pause the Lua thread that called the function until a result is ready to be returned, without interrupting other scripts.

Well mine yields for like 1 minute…

Here are a few things that can yield your script for such long time:

  1. Roblox’s server problem. Such lag spikes oftenly affect all games and there’s no way to avoid it until server gets fixed.
  2. Too many requests. If this happens, requests are put in queue and you would see that in dev console (F9 to open it in-game).
  3. Bad internet. Saying that your internet is fast because you aren’t glitching around the map is not enough. To see how actually fast is your connection, open dev console and on the top you’ll see your average ping. Big ping (>400 or so) = bad internet.