Datastores: Caching is fundamentally broken (with details on how to fix logic-wise)

Datastore caching is fundamentally broken because the cache time is set on every successful request, even if that request returns the cached value.

In short, this means that a loop with GetAsync with an interval that is shorter than the cache expiration time (= 4 seconds) can cause a key to be forever locked into its old value, unless updated on the server where this loop is running.

How to reproduce:

  1. Open a new baseplate
  2. Publish the baseplate to your profile, a place with Studio API access
  3. Play the game
  4. Run this in the developer console server-side:
local data = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Test")
data:SetAsync("TestKey", "Default")
local oldValue = "Default"
while wait(1) do -- less than 4 second cache cooldown
   local value = data:GetAsync("TestKey")
   if value ~= oldValue then
      print("changed to:", value)
      oldValue = value
  1. Go back to Studio, and run this code after a few seconds in the command bar:
local data = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Test")
data:SetAsync("TestKey", "Another Value")

Observed behavior:

In the live instance, nothing appears in the output.

Why is this unexpected:

This is unexpected, because I updated the value through Studio. This is because of the issue I described in the first paragraph of this thread. Actually, if you run the following code (with an interval of >4 seconds) instead and repeat the steps, you will see that the change is registered correctly:

local data = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Test")
data:SetAsync("TestKey", "Default")
local oldValue = "Default"
while wait(5) do -- >= 4 second cache cooldown
   local value = data:GetAsync("TestKey")
   if value ~= oldValue then
      print("changed to:", value)
      oldValue = value

This should also occur with the wait(1) loop, but it doesn’t, for reasons described earlier in the thread.

Expected behavior:

The value I updated through Studio should be registered, no matter how tight the interval of the loop is. The live instance should always be able to check for new values 4 seconds after the latest value was fetched from the remote data services.

How to fix this issue:

It’s simple: don’t set the cache time again when the current request is a cache hit. Only set the cache time when a remote call was performed. This way, if you have a loop with GetAsync, it will consume budget and perform a remote call once per 4 seconds (= the cache expiration time), rather than getting stuck at the old value forever.

In short: make sure the cache can be busted even in a tighter loop than the 4 second cache time interval.


Ouch, that’s a pretty significant bug! Good catch

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This issue has been resolved. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


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