I was trying to find a datastore script that was easy to work with so I can use it for my game. I successfully got it to work how I intended it to, but I noticed something in studio AND in game. This warning that says something like, “Datastore requests are getting added to queue. Try sending fewer requests.” was showing up (note that there are coins in my game and the player is supposed to constantly collect them). When I tested this in game, my data would only save the first few times I collected some coins. I think it has something to do with datastore saving progress too fast, but I don’t know how to solve that
script (original not made by me. I only modified it a tiny bit to better suit my game):
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ds1 = datastore:GetDataStore("CoinValueSaver")
local ds2 = datastore:GetDataStore("MaterialValueSaver")
local folder = Instance.new("Folder")
folder.Name = "leaderstats"
folder.Parent = player
local currency1 = Instance.new("IntValue")
currency1.Name = "Coins"
currency1.Parent = player.leaderstats
currency1.Value = ds1:GetAsync(player.UserId) or 0
ds1:SetAsync(player.UserId, currency1.Value)
local currency2 = Instance.new("IntValue")
currency2.Name = "Materials"
currency2.Parent = player.leaderstats
currency2.Value = ds2:GetAsync(player.UserId) or 0
ds2:SetAsync(player.UserId, currency2.Value)
ds1:SetAsync(player.UserId, currency1.Value)
ds2:SetAsync(player.UserId, currency2.Value)
You are attempting to set data to your datastores way to often.
You should update the player’s data when something significant in the game happens or when the player leaves.
The currency values are probably changing too frequently, especially with multiple players in a server.
Instead of saving the data everytime the values change, save both of the values whenever the player leaves the server, or when the server is shutting down (BindToClose).
Also, I suggest combining the DataStores, instead of having two separate ones. Instead of ds1 and ds2, make one DataStore. Inside this DataStore, you can put a table containing the coin value and material value.
local CreateLeaderstats = function(Player, Data)
--Do leaderstats
--To update a value do Currency1.Value = Data.Currency1
local Success, Data = pcall(function()
return Datastore:GetAsync(Player.UserId)
if Success then
if Data then --Check if player has played before
CreateLeaderstats(Player, Data)
--If not create new data for them
local Data = {
["Currency1"] = 0,
["Currency2"] = 0
CreateLeaderstats(Player, Data)
--Request dropped
local Data = {
["Currency1"] = Player.leaderstats.Currency1.Value,
["Currency2"] = Player.leaderstats.Currency2.Value
Datastore:SetAsync(Player.UserId, Data)
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local currencyStore = datastore:GetDataStore("currencyStoring")
local folder = Instance.new("Folder")
folder.Name = "leaderstats"
folder.Parent = player
local currency1 = Instance.new("IntValue")
currency1.Name = "Coins"
currency1.Parent = folder
local currency2 = Instance.new("IntValue")
currency2.Name = "Materials"
currency2.Parent = folder
local data
local found,new = pcall(function()
data = currencyStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)
if data and found then
currency2.Value = data.Materials
currency1.Value = data.Coins
print("New Player")
local success,Error = pcall(function()
Coins = Player.leaderstats.Coins.Value,
Materials = Player.leaderstats.Materials.Value
if not success then warn(Error) end
if RunService:IsStudio() then
for _,localplayer in pairs(players) do
local success, Error = pcall(function()
Coins = localplayer.leaderstats.Coins.Value,
Materials = localplayer.leaderstats.Materials.Value
if not success then warn(Error) end
Here We save data As a table, And when the Player leaves.
This should prevent Data Requests Getting In Queue.
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") -- Define Run Service
local players = game:GetService("Players") -- Get Players Service
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- Define DataStore Service
local currencyStore = datastore:GetDataStore("currencyStoring") -- Create A DataStore
players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) -- When Player Joins
local folder = Instance.new("Folder") -- Insert A Folder
folder.Name = "leaderstats" -- Call the Folder leaderstats
folder.Parent = player -- Folder's Parent is Player
local currency1 = Instance.new("IntValue") -- Insert a Value
currency1.Name = "Coins" -- Value is called Coins
currency1.Parent = folder -- Parent is The Folder
local currency2 = Instance.new("IntValue") -- Insert A Value
currency2.Name = "Materials"-- Value is called Materials
currency2.Parent = folder -- Parent is The Folder
local data -- Make a Blank Variable (We Dont need this Now)
local found,new = pcall(function() -- Pcall Basically Prevents the Scripts from Breaking If we Have an Error.
data = currencyStore:GetAsync(player.UserId) -- If We Find data with the Player's UserId
if data and found then -- Check if data Exists
currency2.Value = data.Materials -- Set Currency2 (Materials) Value to the Materials Value we Saved in the Table
currency1.Value = data.Coins -- Set Currency1 (Coins) Value to the Coins Value we Saved in the Table
print("New Player") -- If we Have no data it Means the Player is New to Game
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) -- When Player Leavs
local success,Error = pcall(function() -- Wrap in Pcall so script does not Break if we get An error
currencyStore:SetAsync(Player.UserId{ -- Save Data with the Players UserId
Coins = Player.leaderstats.Coins.Value, -- Set Coins To Player's Coins Value
Materials = Player.leaderstats.Materials.Value -- Set Materials to Player's Materials Value
if not success then warn(Error) end -- If we get an Error we "warn" which basically says what caused the Error.
game:BindToClose(function() -- When server is Closing Because of Error or anything
if RunService:IsStudio() then -- If We are Testing in Studio
wait(1) -- We wait 1 Second so that We can Save Data from PlayerRemoving Above
else -- If Its actual Game
for _,localplayer in pairs(players) do -- Loop through All Players in game
local success, Error = pcall(function() -- Wrap in Pcall so script does not break in case of an error
currencyStore:SetAsync(localplayer.UserId{ -- Save Data With UserId
Coins = localplayer.leaderstats.Coins.Value, -- Set "Coins" in the Table to Player's Coins
Materials = localplayer.leaderstats.Materials.Value -- Set "Materials" In the Table to Player's Materials
if not success then warn(Error) end -- If we get An Error while Saving, We "Warn" it, Which tells us what caused the error.
I Tried my best to Explain What i Did in this Script.
If you still Want to learn More,
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") -- Define Run Service
local players = game:GetService("Players") -- Get Players Service
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- Define DataStore Service
local currencyStore = datastore:GetDataStore("currencyStoring") -- Create A DataStore
players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) -- When Player Joins
local folder = Instance.new("Folder") -- Insert A Folder
folder.Name = "leaderstats" -- Call the Folder leaderstats
folder.Parent = player -- Folder's Parent is Player
local currency1 = Instance.new("IntValue") -- Insert a Value
currency1.Name = "Coins" -- Value is called Coins
currency1.Parent = folder -- Parent is The Folder
local currency2 = Instance.new("IntValue") -- Insert A Value
currency2.Name = "Materials"-- Value is called Materials
currency2.Parent = folder -- Parent is The Folder
local data -- Make a Blank Variable (We Dont need this Now)
local found,new = pcall(function() -- Pcall Basically Prevents the Scripts from Breaking If we Have an Error.
data = currencyStore:GetAsync(player.UserId) -- If We Find data with the Player's UserId
if data and found then -- Check if data Exists
currency2.Value = data.Materials -- Set Currency2 (Materials) Value to the Materials Value we Saved in the Table
currency1.Value = data.Coins -- Set Currency1 (Coins) Value to the Coins Value we Saved in the Table
print("New Player") -- If we Have no data it Means the Player is New to Game
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) -- When Player Leavs
local success,Error = pcall(function() -- Wrap in Pcall so script does not Break if we get An error
currencyStore:SetAsync(Player.UserId,{ -- Save Data with the Players UserId
Coins = Player.leaderstats.Coins.Value, -- Set Coins To Player's Coins Value
Materials = Player.leaderstats.Materials.Value -- Set Materials to Player's Materials Value
if not success then warn(Error) end -- If we get an Error we "warn" which basically says what caused the Error.
game:BindToClose(function() -- When server is Closing Because of Error or anything
if RunService:IsStudio() then -- If We are Testing in Studio
wait(1) -- We wait 1 Second so that We can Save Data from PlayerRemoving Above
else -- If Its actual Game
for _,localplayer in pairs(players) do -- Loop through All Players in game
local success, Error = pcall(function() -- Wrap in Pcall so script does not break in case of an error
currencyStore:SetAsync(localplayer.UserId,{ -- Save Data With UserId
Coins = localplayer.leaderstats.Coins.Value, -- Set "Coins" in the Table to Player's Coins
Materials = localplayer.leaderstats.Materials.Value -- Set "Materials" In the Table to Player's Materials
if not success then warn(Error) end -- If we get An Error while Saving, We "Warn" it, Which tells us what caused the error.
The Problem was That i forgot to Put a , (comma).
Fixed it