Does DataStoreService allow me to do any other types of relational model linking except ‘One to One’ relationships? I’d like to explore such concepts as ‘Foreign Key’ and ‘Many To Many’ relationships. Does this service support those relationships? (Common in frameworks like Django)
My second question is, is there a built in tool or even a plugin which lets me visually see the diagram of the database which contains the tables and their fields and the relationships between the tables? (Like in DBeaver)
For your first question, sort of, yes, you can certainly have foreign keys and many to many relationships. However, you have to add the functionality yourself, which is the difficult part. Roblox is very open about how you implement data stores. Scopes would be very handy to use as tables if I remember correctly. Also, metadata and tagging might be worth checking out, so you could potentially use that to help keep track of foreign keys, etc. Or, do manual implementation into the stored values, which could be a table including foreign keys, etc. However, with that approach, multi-value keys might be difficult.
You could probably also have most other features found in a relationship database, but a difficutly in practice is data store limitations. Something like “SELECT * FROM *” to read the entire database wouldn’t be able to be performed in a timely fashion, and searches may take several minutes or even longer due to read limits.
For your second question, here’s an example of a data store viewer in studio. I have not personally used it but I know lots of people have successfully used it: DataStore Editor - Roblox