Davy Bazooka - Bazooka looking slightly crushed under R15 compared to R6

Here is a comparison




Item Link: Davy Bazooka - Bazooka - Roblox

Expected behavior

The item should look the same between R6 and R15, preferrably porting R6’s non-crushed version to R15.

This seemingly only occurs because in R15, back-accessory size is based on your avatar size; making your avatar less wide and also taller solves this issue. “Fixing” the accessory unfortunately will likely have the effect of breaking it for thinner avatars, there seemingly isn’t really a way to win without changing how Roblox handles scaling for back-accessories.

Thank you for reaching out. After reviewing your report, the behavior you described is intentional If Davy Bazooka’s back accessory is set to Propotions Normal for the Avatar Scale Type. So when you put it on a Blocky, which has a Classic Avatar Scale Type, there will be some non-uniform scale applied to it. Since the shape of the bazooka is diagonal, the non-uniform scale will make the bazooka look deformed. This is not a bug.

Thank you, that makes sense. :+1:

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