My goal for this script is that I want to make this script to change the Brightness, Ambience and the Outdoor Ambience once it reaches 6PM in game, or 18 in ClockTime to make it feel like when it reaches that time as Night-Time but not as bright when Brightness is at 2.
Yet, somehow it doesn’t work
Here is what it looks like when I make it run/play when In Game
I’ve tried to use the “L variable” along with the “Light variable” to try changing the Brightness, Ambience and Outdoor Ambience of Lighting, yet didn’t work as what it’s supposed to and I am confused on how it is not working.
I’ve also used the “L variable” instead of the “Light variable” and it still didn’t work.
Here is the script:
-- Variables
L = game:GetService("Lighting")
Light = game.Lighting
CT = game.Lighting.ClockTime
-- Time Ambience Variables
Day_Am = Color3.fromRGB(70, 70, 70)
Night_Am = Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40)
-- Actions
while true do
T = L:GetMinutesAfterMidnight()
L:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(T + .75)
while true do
if CT == 6.25 then
Light.Brightness = 2
Light.OutdoorAmbient = Day_Am
Light.Ambient = Day_Am
else if CT == 18 then
Light.Brightness = 0
Light.OutdoorAmbient = Night_Am
Light.Ambient = Night_Am
Couple problems. (1) When the script executes, the first while loop is a “while true” so it is never going to stop looping. This is preventing the code beyond it from executing, using “print” statements will help you diagnose your code. (2) the time is not going to be exactly 6.25 or 18. Use greater than or less than operators when trying to see if a number has crossed a threshold value. Anyway, here is an updated version of your script that will correctly do day/night shifts…
L = game:GetService("Lighting")
Light = game.Lighting
-- Time Ambience Variables
Day_Am = Color3.fromRGB(70, 70, 70)
Night_Am = Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40)
local keepRunning = true
function timeUpdateWorker()
local T
while keepRunning do
T = L:GetMinutesAfterMidnight()
L:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(T + .75)
-- This runs the timeUpdateWorker function in its own thread
-- keepRunning = false will cancel it
local day = false
local nextDay = true
while true do
local CT = game.Lighting.ClockTime
if not nextDay and CT < 3 then
-- Reset day flag each time clock rolls over
day = false
nextDay = true
elseif nextDay and not day and CT > 6.25 then
print("Setting Day")
day = true
Light.Brightness = 2
Light.OutdoorAmbient = Day_Am
Light.Ambient = Day_Am
elseif day and CT > 18 then
print("Setting Night")
day = false
nextDay = false
Light.Brightness = 0
Light.OutdoorAmbient = Night_Am
Light.Ambient = Night_Am