DB Bounce | Visitor Guide

DB Bounce - Visitor Guide

DB Bounce is a new, modern trampoline company on the platform, with operations currently running at our Newport branch with hopes to expand. This guide has been made to give you a little bit more information about us, and what you can expect when coming to our daily sessions.

Thank you for taking your time to read this guide and we hope to see you at one of our sessions shortly!

Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Session Timetable

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Hiring Process

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Code of Conduct

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The Leadership Team of DB Bounce would like to thank you for taking your time to read our visitor guide. If you have any inquries or concerns relating to this guide or just generally, we are more than happy to help! Our communications server is the best way of getting assistance, and is linked to our group. Alternatively, all of our staff team would be more than happy to help you during one of our sessions.

For the most serious concerns, please contact @presidinq here or via the communications server.

Thank you for reading,
DB Bounce Leadership