De-selecting from a specific Gui element into the studio viewport auto selects a part


As titled, this bug will auto-select a specific part in the studio viewport when you click while you have a UI element selected. Currently, this bug only occurs in place-specific games. This bug can not always be reproduced but this issue happens place-by-place, so it doesn’t remain like this in one game.

Video of the issue;

Place link:

In the video, you can see me select a UI element and then re-select the viewport in studio to de-select all the frames so I can visually see what I am working on. The bug always targets the same part every time as seen in the video when I de-select the UI, it selects the same part titled “PART THATS CLICKED EVERY TIME”

What should occur is studio should “disconnect” selection from all UI elements and viewport instances unless otherwise selected.


I am still having this bug in some places but can’t get a solid repro. It happens when I deselect any UI element in StarterGui in one of my games, but doesn’t happen for UIConstraints, and doesn’t seem to happen in every game.

It always selects the same object in workspace, unless I delete said object, in which case another object in workspace becomes the one to always be selected.


This issue is still a problem, same as before. Deleting the built in UI editor plugin resolves the issue. I can’t however figure out what exactly is causing this issue to start in a place file, it just started happening while I was editing UI with no clear cause.