Deactivated users show as "Account Deleted" on the Roblox App

When a user deactivates their account in the Roblox app, it will show in the friends list that their account has been deleted when they have just disabled it and can reactivate it at any time.

Example with me using the deactivation feature:

Expected behavior

Roblox should have a separate message for when a user deactivates their account, as it is not a real account “Deletion.” Some people need breaks and could cause people to unadd each other when there account shows as deleted on the app.

TLDR: When an account is terminated, it should say “Account Deleted” as normal. When deactivated, it should read “Account Disabled.”


PLEASE FIX THIS! We should be able to know if the person actually got terminated or if it’s just them deactivating their account. We must keep in mind that some people abuse the deactivating system to get advantage in certain situations (for example: traders/hoarders deactivate to make their items seem rarer so they can mislead people into thinking an item’s copy got deleted, or bad actors who deactivate as an attempt to get away with something they did/flee the situation, etc.), if you fixed this it would be HUGE.


Roblox appears to treat disabled accounts very similarly to deleted accounts with the exception that they can reactivate their account at any time. The users’ API (which afaik is the API in play here) returns that a deactivated user is banned. Given that there is no way to determine if a user has been deleted or just deactivated, I do have to wonder if this is just intended behaviour?

If it is entirely intended, I would like to see this message re-worded to include the fact that the user may be just temporarily not on the platform since ‘deleted’ implies permanence.


I do wonder if it’s some privacy-related aspect causing them to intentionally show deactivated accounts as banned. As someone who deals with bad actors on a daily who eventually have their accounts deleted, it’d be nice knowing whether their account has actually been deleted or whether they’ve just deactivated it to make it seem that way. The fact that there’s currently no way to find this out is extremely annoying.


This seems more of a feature request than a actual bug report

It could get renamed to “Account Deactivated” but not a seperate message since this is probably a intentional as a privacy feature

Deactivating your account is meant to hide it to other users and technically not show them that you still exist and it just seems like a privacy thing. While i would sometimes want to know if the user is actually terminated i wouldn’t want this as a actual feature since deactivating your account is meant for privacy not people to stalk you

A simple solution would probably just rename it to “Inactive” like it shows on the website


Hi! Thanks for reporting. Soundmoji is correct that this is more of a feature request than an actual bug because it’s by design. We will pass the feedback to the team and post if there are any updates


Thank you for the reply on this thread

Thank you for the reply, but this is really a backwards approach as it also shows up for terminated users, which makes it impossible to find out who you were friends with at a time.

It’s also impossible to click on them to at least see their ID in the URL.


I think this is not actually related to this bug report because the “Account Deleted” label is different to the website and existed before this feature. On the website it shows up as the “Inactive” label but for the app it was intentionally designed to show as “Account Deleted” but not the username

Basically the username update shouldn’t be related to this

However, i do agree that this just creates confusion because how am i suppose to know the difference between these 4 people

A issue is that some terminated users got bad avatars or bad usernames that haven’t gotten reset and reverting this feature would cause more issues. Maybe a solution would to show the username and avatar still if you are friends with the person

This is not a bug, deactivating your account simply “vanishes” it from Roblox servers, just like if your account got terminated.
You may want it to show “Account deactivated”, but it isn’t a great idea for privacy reasons.


I feel like this might be considered intended behavior internally since they might have decided that you shouldn’t be able to tell the difference between deleted and deactivated accounts—probably for the usual “privacy” reasons everyone keeps bringing up.

You can actually just inspect element and get the user id on the website if you really need to get an UserID from someone, its not that deep imo
It’s really sad that roblox is making so people need to cache and scrape every single type of information from the site, but yeah, ig we can’t really change that.