Deactivating UI Editor doesn't remove handles

If you deactivate the UI Editor while a ui instance is selected, the handles will not be removed and will persist until the UI editor is re-enabled and a new gui instance is selected.


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We’re aware of this bug and will fix it, thanks!

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What. When was UI editor a thing?


Also - does it snap? :open_mouth:
What about position alignment - any way to make sure UI items scales properly, is right or center aligned, what about rotation etc.? What about parenting/grouping of elements? And modifications to multiple GUI elements at once?

But heck yeah, this has been desired for centuriessss \o/

It doesn’t snap to a grid but it will snap to align with other UI elements, and it resizes using the Scale component, so your UI stuff will resize with the screen, make sure to use aspect ratio constraints lol.

Wait, this is a thing ???

Perhaps a gametest thing?

Nope, I see it here:



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