I Just finished doing an npc that attacks the player, I now tried to add a death animation. And it does seem to work, the animation plays etc. However when the animation does play the npc seems to “fall over” and I’m not sure how to fix this. I’ve linked a video of the problem along with screenshots of my scripts.
Any help would be really appreciated!!!
Its probably because the npc is dead. maybe either wait to kill it until after the animation is over OR use alignpos or somthing like that to keep the npc upright while the animation plays.
I tried the one with waiting to kill it until the animation is over and the alignpos, however I don’t really know how to use alignpos so maybe I just did something wrong with it.
have you tried making it so like instead of dying at 0HP it instead dies at 1HP, so technically its still alive which will allow you to do animations for it, but it pretty much looks dead
Try making all parts of the npc uncollide-able and anchor the root
If it isn’t an animation problem (which you should also check the animation priority)
its probably just colliding with the ground