Death Animation [ SOLVED ]

Hello, I am currently making Death Effects, in one of my effects I want to play a death animation.
I use localscripts to play the effects for maximum optimization. When I tried playing the animation it didn’t work. Note: I use a ragdoll script on the server (don’t think it’s the problem).

So I tried multiple solutions:

  • Setting the HumanoidStateType.Dead to false
  • Added a detector on whether it should play an animation or not (prints correctly)
  • Changing the animation priority

I still don’t know what the issue is, is it because it’s on a local script? (I tried a server script on a dummy and it worked but not through a local script)

Other note: I create the animation as a new Instance through a local script, load it through a local script, and play it through a local script.

This should go in scripting support

Oops, sorry.
Also I found the issue, Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is Deprecated.
I had to use Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation()

Mark it as the solution please