Happening during my play solo sessions as well. I thought it may have been an issue on my end. Glad it’s not!
Happens consistently to me even with correct spawn heights and also in games. This last update has also brought in certain games with physics assemblies higher lag.
I noticed this yesterday in Entry Point x)
It also happens with me all the time on a baseplate place (Only in studio), it contains scripts but none of them has anything to do with this. It is still happening.
This happened to me yesterday but I don’t see the death effect when joining a game anymore.
Has this warning something to do with it? I have gotten it every time I play in Roblox studio since the new topbar update.
Same thing started happening to me a couple days ago to my games, and is still happening to this day. I hadn’t changed anything to the games at the time, this “death effect issue” just started happening out of nowhere. I have also noticed it on some games such as Arsenal.
I had a similar problem. My solution was to create a part and then create a local script in StarterCharacterScripts that transported to that part:
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local part = workspace.part
local character = player.Character
character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = part.Position
Could you search your scripts for the word “health” just in case a free model has some sort of virus?
If you don’t find the word health in any of your scripts, try disabling the loading UI so you can see what’s happening in the workspace.
Closing out old tickets - if something similar is still happening, please create a new issue. Thanks!