Death's Return Changelog

Hello! This topic will include changelogs of last updates for Death’s Return. This game is a remake of kirbycaden’s “[Original] Death’s Return” with classic zombies, a lot more detailed map and new guns. These are only very first versions of the game without a biggest part of planned content.
Current version is v 0.6.7

v 0.6.7

  • Added the day/night cycle. It features the dynamic color change, dynamic atmosphere and fog values change and the overall control of all light sources in the game, such as fire, lamps and so on.
  • Mouse icon is changed from the crosshair to a simple dot.
  • Added a slight camera shift to make the game more atmospheric.
  • By pressing H you can switch the camera to the left or to the right side.
  • Mouse is unlocked during a normal gameplay, but it will be locked in the center once you equip any gun.
  • Added ADS to all guns in the game. Zooming depends on the type of the gun. While shotguns won’t have this feature at all, sniper rifles can get a very precise hit from far away.
  • Now aiming direcly affects the gun’s accuracy by raising it by 50%. The number is test one and will be balanced out in the future. Civillian shotguns won’t receive neither the aiming ability, nor the accuracy increase.
  • Winchester 1893’s default bullet spread was increased from 0.3 to 0.5 studs per every 100 studs it has travelled.
  • Raised Claw Zombie charge chance to 50%.


  • Some keys were binded to the gun controls even if the gun wasn’t equipped. Now they are all unbinded on the gun unequip by the ContextActionService.
  • There was a random unstoppable character movement if you’d unequipped a gun while aiming and moving at the same time. The problem was caused by an incorrect action unbinding.

v 0.6.6

  • Added a special ability to Claw Zombie. The player will be thrown and stunned if he will be on the way of a ramming zombie.
  • Added a fully functional Graphics Configuration menu.
  • Loading was completely redesigned, added an animated intro.
  • Press E to skip the intro and hop right into action.
  • All previous menu music was replaced by an intro music. Classic music will play during the free roam and some events.
  • Magazines are now physical objects instead of animated objects. This made an animation less broken, optimized and realistic.
  • Zombies now will try to surround the player instead of climbing to his head.
  • Streaming is now enabled and StreamingPauseMode is set to ClientPhysicsPause by default.
  • Soundscape now respects the FilteringEnabled. I have no clue why didn’t I do this before.


  • Fixed smart zombie stuttering issues.
  • Fixed guns ignoring zombie bodyparts.
  • Fixed limb and head damage.
  • Fixed magazines duplicating.

v 0.6.5

  • Now zombies appearance and animations are loaded on the client. This gave me a large portion of optimization and raised zombie effective limit up to 150 entities in one frame without any significant ping problems from the server.
  • Added universal zombie hitbox that is now responsible for damage taking and damage dealing.
  • There are 7 variants of main menu music now and the random one will play every time you access the game. There are classic tracks such as: Apocalypse (the first music in the game), Horror Theme, Cube Land, Demise of the Ritual, Gothic, Outrun the Nightmares, and Wind of Fjords, of course.
  • Added animation and sound preloads to the loading screen. Game resources loading and finalizing time was decreased and optimized a little bit.
  • Added slight character head and torso turn to align with a camera looking vector.
  • Added Fast Zombie. It has 125 HP, 15 HP damage with a 2x attack speed, 24 studs/s walking speed, 20% spawn chance and a unique running animation. Also his torso and legs related bodyparts are black-coloured.
  • Changed different modules and behaviour script to match the new and upcoming zombie types. They are still need to be optimized, as well as animation assign system.
  • Added a new module that is responsible for zombie characteristics depending on its type calculations. Need to calculate the points and damage there as well.
  • Added a very simple inventory system that prevents a player to have more than one primary or secondary weapon. Thus, you can carry only one primary and one secondary from now on. Also, you need to re-buy weapons every time. Equipping of already bought weapons will be added in 0.6.6.
  • A big optimization of zombie behaviour and animation assign module. Now it consumes a lot less resources and doesn’t throw any errors randomly (based on 56 tests).
  • Moved all gun flash effects to the client and, thus, turned off server-side FX for them. Now no event exhaustion on full servers won’t occur.
  • Added a Claw Zombie. This type has some big sized claws on the place of its right arm. Though it doesn’t have much health (150 HP) and its walkspeed is rather average (14), it can deal massive damage to the player and with a 50% chance cause the new Bleeding Effect. Upon killing this zombie you will be rewarded with 50 points.
  • Added Bleeding Effect. This can be indicated by bloody particles, blood drop indicator, timer and heartbeat sound. This effect will deal 2 HP damage during 10 seconds and can easily kill a player with a low health.
  • Changed AK-103 firing sound.
  • Changed zombie spawn chances. For Common Zombies this is equal to 75%, for Fast Zombies - 15% and Claw Zombies got their 10%.
  • Increased a number pellets for Maverick from 12 to 24.


  • Due to the specifics of client script only one animation at a time could be played for all zombies. I’ve added animation assign within Zombie Behaviour Module and the problem was successfully solved.
  • Fixed wrong zombie humanoid root part rotation upon client parts loading.
  • Fixed server-side and client-side smart zombie behaviour and position desynchronization.
  • Slightly optimized the client-sided NPC appearance script.
  • Fixed zombie hitboxes and the whole damage dealing and animation assign system. Also, changed NetworkOwnership for some objects and synchronized zombie movement with it.
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect client HumanoidRootPart position that caused massive movement issues, hitbox errors and etc.
  • Optimized animation assign system.
  • Fixed zombie names and health won’t appear.
  • Fixed a pathfinding system desynchronization between client and server.
  • Fixed Fast Zombie stuttering upon chasing the Player, though this problem can still be observed if the Player’s ping is high.
  • Fixed Maverick’s damage.
  • Fixed Fast and Claw Zombies’ heads attached to the wrong parts.

To do:

  • Fix gun shootingEvent exhaustion
  • Fix gun damage code to be more flexible
  • Fix Claw Zombie dash so it works
  • Fix zombie MoveTo coordinates to make it more realistic
  • Maybe add a PvP arena teleport???

v 0.6.4

  • Bunker has been slightly restructurized to avoid some problems with AI.
  • Reimagined the whole UI along with the shop UI.
  • Added two new weapons: AK-103 and Winchester 1893. AK-103 is capable to deal impressive 100 damage to the head and 80 to the body, but AK’s accuracy rather bad at middle distances. Winchester is a cheaper variant of Lee-Enfield. It is a lot faster at all aspects, but has worse accuracy, worse ballistics and 5-round tube magazine.
  • Some weapon stats changes.


  • Fixed UI mispositions.
  • Fixed unexpected parent set to NULL.


  • Now zombies use completely unique AI switching system, that depends on the parts between a player and a zombie and on the distance between them. This feature made advanced AI togglable and saved a lot of recources.
  • The whole pathfinding system was optimized and now server will compute the path by his own mechanisms. Also, smart zombies will try to reach the last player’s position when he was behind a wall, instead of trying to recompute the path every time to reach the player itself. This made them a bit sillier, but saved a lot of recources as well.
  • Zombie sounds are handled by a special SoundModule, so zombie Behaviour is a lot smoother.
  • Player’s cannot see the smart zombies from afar anymore, as their behaviour now lets them sneak into a group of common zombies.


  • Smart zombies won’t choose overcomplicated paths.
  • You can’t find any smart zombies stuck onto angled, small or thin objects anymore.
  • Wooden shutters next to the staircase at bunker were anchored.


  • New zombie kind: smart zombie. There is no visual distinction between smart and common ones. Spectate their behaviour to determine which one can get you anywhere on the map. There is no safe place anymore.
  • Smart zombie spawn chance is 25% now. Also, they are using heavily modified AI script and there is no delay before they react to player’s movement.

v 0.6.3

  • Added 19 new zombie sounds: 7 attack sounds, 8 chasing sounds, 4 dying sounds.
  • Every zombie has a 5% chance to play one random chasing sound per every 2-5 seconds.
  • Decreased maximum roll off distance for the fire sound.
  • Changed the way how zombies can deal damage. Now damage is dealt once a character touches zombie’s left of right hands, upper or lower torso every 1.5 seconds.


  • Zombies won’t deal damage after death.
  • Many sound tweaks and improvements.
  • Fixed Maverick shooting sound playing on remove.

Remind to myself: Don’t forget to make a new thumbnail, icon and advertisement for the game.