hey, I have a script but my debounce is not working for some reason. I’ll provide you with a small block of code that works intentionally but the debounce doesn’t (hence the post!)
local db = false
if not db then
db = true
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(E.Parent)
leaderstats["Hats Collected"].Value = leaderstats["Hats Collected"].Value + 1
db = false
I know I could’ve done math.huge but that didn’t work so I tried that and didn’t work either.
(there are no unknown variables, no errors in the output)
okay, so is the db value just not changing? have you tried printing what db is equal to when the button is pressed?
Edit: I did, but you said this is a small block of code from it, so I don’t know whats around it, and if something may be blocking the thread before-hand…
The wait is way too long, it is -1 because int overflow. Make it lower, see a different result.
AKA no wait because you’re using a numer so large, that it just goes back to -1, which means no wait.
To confirm, run this in your studio. print("a") wait(1900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) print("hi")
Everything will happen immediately, but with print("a") wait(5) print("hi")
It’ll take 5 seconds to print hi.
alright, that works, gotta be more careful with integers next time, but how come math.huge didn’t work? have another script with the almost exact same intentions yet math.huge seems to work on that script only, not my one right now.
Because math.huge is not a defined number, it’s just infinite, so it’s way over 9.2 quintillon. Weird though, happy that worked. Don’t forget to mark solution!