DebrisService vs :Destroy (which is better?)

I always used :Destroy but i have seen scripters on YT use the debris service so which one is better

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There is nothing to compare here. DebrisService just automatically calls Destroy on the object after a certain amount of time has passed. This is useful when we want to create VFXs that automatically disappears. Also, DebrisService doesn’t yield the code.


I’ve used :Destroy() and DebrisService but I personally think DebrisService is better for things that are created more often, while :Destroy() is used for things larger and not created as often.

Debris Intended purpose is just to add a delay before destroying an Object, It is essentially the same as using delay() with Instance:Destroy()

function Debris(Instance: Instance, Lifetime: number?)
    delay(Lifetime, function()

Whats the Difference?

  • Debris does not yield or call any threads to accomplish its task, instead it will schedule a time for it to be deleted.

  • :Destroy() is used for objects that are no longer needed on your game, and would otherwise lag your game

  • Debris will allow a small period of it existing before Destroying it, In many use cases they are just details, or utilities that are removed overtime.

So It depends on your use case, if you plan on removing an Object (typically ASAP, or to remove lag), :Destroy() would be the most efficient, However with things that require usage before they are deleted, or simple projectiles, Debris would be the most efficient.

If you want more functionality than Debris, its recommended that you create your own system to properly handle things to your liking.