Decal ImageColor3/VertexColor

It would be very nice if Decals had behavior similar to ImageLabel.ImageColor3 or SpecialMesh.VertexColor.
I’m not sure how it would be implemented, as image objects in the API aren’t 100% consistent:



	RectOffset? // This would be useful on Texture objects as well
	RectSize? // Should probably be unified with or interact with Texture.StudsPerTile

If RectOffset/Size is added as well, it should probably be relative to the the face’s size, rather than world studs (like uDim2.X.Scale rather than uDim2.X.Offset)

The main case where I’d use this is eye coloring. I already made a program in C# that takes an image and dumps a bunch of recolors in a folder. A simple texture-able square file mesh would also work, but I think a lot of people would find this useful :]

I also wouldn’t mind being able to apply an HSV transformation :imagine:

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Instead of trying to turn decals into surfaceguis I think roblox should be trying to turn surfaceguis into decals. SurfaceGuis should respond to lighting, layer correctly, and wrap to the surface. Then we wouldn’t need a bunch of features to make decals better. Also ImageLabels need a tiling feature.

SurfaceGuis aren’t as performance-friendly as decals/textures – if they did behave similarly to decals then yeah you could conceivably use one in the place of a decal if you needed to change the color of the decal, but what happens when you have a lot of decals that you want to change the color of? (e.g. a textured player home that they can change the color of the flooring/walls/etc) The more SurfaceGuis you slap on the worse the performance.

Edit: More appropriate in own thread since way different from OP. Moved to here.

(sorry echo your link is broken so idk your thread. bumping here)

Is there any chance we can get Color3 for Decals/Textures? Please?

I’d be open to the option of SurfaceGui’s having the option to respond with light, although their usage at the moment largely benefits from their lack of responsiveness. As in its used to create a glow on objects that otherwise wouldn’t, to highlight certain parts. If it is possible to have it switch in and out, it would be fantastic.