Decal Images for group decals are owned by whoever uploaded the image instead of the group

When you upload a decal, two assets are created. The first is the decal – what you interact with on the site, what people can add to their decals, and what people insert through the toolbox. The second is the image – it’s typically found by subtracting 1 from the decal’s ID and this is the asset you append to “rbxassetid://” to load the image into the game.

When a group decal is created, the decal is owned by the group, but the image is owned by whoever uploaded the decal. See:

AssetId: 322875791

AssetId: 322875790

This behavior seems a bit odd, and it could potentially cause a problem in the long run if the use of image assets are ever restricted to their creator’s places. It would make more sense for both of these assets to be owned by the group.


This is good in my opinion. It used to be that you could upload a bad group image, and it would be 100% owned by the group. So the group owner got moderated. Now they can trace back the uploader easier.

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They already properly keep track of who uploads what decal:

They don’t need the decal image to be owned by the uploader to be able to tell who made it. And even if we pretend they don’t have a way to check who uploaded the asset other than by looking at who the image asset is owned by, that’s terrible design and should be rectified in place of a proper way to check who uploaded an asset like they do now.

Dunno. I’ve seen cases where they didn’t check that or something. Mods are shown the image asset, not decal asset. So maybe this was done to eliminate the need for extra research.

If group owners / groups are getting content deleted because of something a member uploaded, then obviously who owns the image asset doesn’t help. Also, I seriously doubt they check the audit log for who uploaded an asset. The point being was that it’s already tracked internally and you don’t need to be redundant and hook up the asset to the uploader when it’s already tracked internally. And again, even if we pretend the owner of the image asset was actually used, what I said previously still stands.

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I accept your idea. I reject it due to incompetent mods. That’s all. If this is their fix, it’s dumb.

Image assets being owned by the uploader has no impact on moderation whatsoever…