So, I wanted to make a quality slider so low powered devices could play my game, and that involved removing the many trees I have. So, I added “fog” (just a bunch of layered transparent parts) so the players couldn’t see behind the empty space that was gonna be there. When the camera is positioned one direction, it works correctly, however, in the other direction in doesn’t. It seems that the leaf decals are being pushed behind the transparent part, so its a little confusing. I’ve looked all over and I found people with similar problems when it is decal on decal, but not with transparent parts. Anybody know how to fix this?
Using surfaceappearances set to “transparent” on the tree’s leaves prevents it from bugging when layered infront of other transparent objects, as it uses a different method of blending.
I put it into every single mesh, however, it still seemed not to change. (for reference, in the picture, the tree with the SurfaceAppearances is the one with the slightly shorter trunk)
Have you tried altering the atmosphere density variable under the lighting section to see if that fixes it?
I have a atmosphere set for darkness, but altering in both in game, and out (by moving it into lighting) seems to have no effect on the problem.
Surfaceappearances only work with meshparts, which are different to parts with mesh objects (because roblox spaghetti code probably), so try remaking the leaves with meshparts. for it to work, the transparency on the parts has to be zero, and the ColorMap property on the surfaceappearance has to be the leaf texture you are using.
For more reference, here’s the documentation.
Another benefit to using surfaceappearances over just textures is the ability to use PBR materials on them to make them look a whole lot better, more details on how to do that also in the documentation.
I remade one of the trees with meshparts and surface appearances, and the result is great! It works exactly like I would expect, and it looks almost identical. No weird clipping.
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