Decal is not changing

I’m making a script where it take a decal id from a text box and then place it in the decal texture but it is not working.

local Image = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ImageChange
local decal = game.Workspace.Screen.Decal

Image.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(ply, text)
	decal.Texture = "rbxasset://"..text

I see the decal texture changing in the explorer tab but it won’t change in real game

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Im pretty sure this should be “rbxassetid://”…text,
you’re missing the ‘id’ part

That’s false. String concatenations should be connected with only 2 dots, not 3 dots.

Have you made sure the player has inputted the correct decal ID?

Thats not what i said, i meant its ‘rbxassetid’ and not ‘rbxasset’,

when you do two dots in normal text and not inside preformatted text it changes it to three

What are you talking about? You concatenate two strings using 2 dots, not 3.

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Yes i know that. Im saying that when you type inside the devforums, if you do two dots connected . . it autocorrects to three …, and that his mistake is that he made a typo,
he did ‘rbxasset://’ and not ‘rbxassetid://’

I tried changing and It still didn’t work.

Maybe there’s wrong with the id of the decal? You might wanna check it out.

Does it print?
Try and print right after the function is fired. Print the ‘text’ argument.

rbxassetid:// is required as suggested, what ID are you trying to use?