Decal link not working?

I want to apply a face on a character after the player entered the faces id.
However if the player enters a ID the face just switches to nothing. If I put the link into browser it doesnt work. So something must be wrong with the link but I dont know what.
Why ?
( I get no error codes )


	id = script.Parent.CustomID.Text
	local id_exists, id_error = pcall(function()
		id_type = MarketPlaceServer:GetProductInfo(id)
	if id_exists then 
		face.Texture = "rbxassetid://" 
		playerror("ID doesnt exist!")


Is the decal still valid when you look on the site?
I think I’ve heard that some images require +1 or -1 to the id#.
What gets printed?
This is what gets printed if I put “226217449” as ID

What do you mean by site ? If I put the link into the browser I get 404 error this is how the link looks like if I put it into the dummy after it auto converts

It only doesnt work if I use ID’s from the catalog if I use ID’s from faces I found in the workshop it works.

I just grabbed any decal from the Roblox site catalog and pasted the 226216895 into that page’s link to come up with this: TX_LaughingFace - Roblox
Since it’s no longer for sale you may not be able to use it.