Decal Not Changing

Anytime, I try to run the script, the image doesn’t show the image inputted, it shows nothing, not even the preset image included.

I wan’t it to change to the image inputted.

I’m unsure on how to fix this

local Prefix = ""
local HexaID = "16059181918"
local NoClippedID = "16059264307"
local IconID = "16059281590"
local ContentDeletedID = "16059328826"
local BlackID = "16059352786"
local DoorID = "16059393321"
local bID = "16059453149"
local PaintingID = "" -- Editable
local PaintingVisible = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Painting"):WaitForChild("Decal")

-- Code
local PaintingChoose = math.random(1,7)

if PaintingChoose == 1 then
	PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..HexaID
elseif PaintingChoose == 2 then
	PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..NoClippedID
elseif PaintingChoose == 3 then
	PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..IconID
elseif PaintingChoose == 4 then
	PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..ContentDeletedID
elseif PaintingChoose == 5 then
	PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..BlackID
elseif PaintingChoose == 6 then
	PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..DoorID
elseif PaintingChoose == 7 then
	PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..bID
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I believe it’s because the “Prefix” is incorrect. Try using “rbxassetid://” in place of “”. If that doesn’t work, I suggest you try it with decal image ids instead of decal ids. Hope this helps.

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“rbxassetid://” doesn’t work, I’ll try the other system you told me to use

Hi WaflSyrup

Try using the prefix maybe? Pretty sure decals use http and not https

According to the post regarding assets, both http and https work

Alright I’ve done some testing with your code and I think you’re using image Ids for decals or vice versa, because when I used the image Id it worked

As an example, the code uses the Id 16059181918 for the Hexa painting and it doesn’t work; but 16059181882 does

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