Anytime, I try to run the script, the image doesn’t show the image inputted, it shows nothing, not even the preset image included.
I wan’t it to change to the image inputted.
I’m unsure on how to fix this
local Prefix = ""
local HexaID = "16059181918"
local NoClippedID = "16059264307"
local IconID = "16059281590"
local ContentDeletedID = "16059328826"
local BlackID = "16059352786"
local DoorID = "16059393321"
local bID = "16059453149"
local PaintingID = "" -- Editable
local PaintingVisible = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Painting"):WaitForChild("Decal")
-- Code
local PaintingChoose = math.random(1,7)
if PaintingChoose == 1 then
PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..HexaID
elseif PaintingChoose == 2 then
PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..NoClippedID
elseif PaintingChoose == 3 then
PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..IconID
elseif PaintingChoose == 4 then
PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..ContentDeletedID
elseif PaintingChoose == 5 then
PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..BlackID
elseif PaintingChoose == 6 then
PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..DoorID
elseif PaintingChoose == 7 then
PaintingVisible.Texture = Prefix..bID