Wow! This is really cool! Thank you for making this amazing plugin! This will help me a lot in buildings
I didn’t even imagine that this would be possible let alone even consider using skinned meshes for something like this, incredible work!
This is absolute gold. I’m definitely going to use this on my terrain heavy games.
Thanks a lot!
Good job, really helpful plugin.
For those interested, I made a very simple script to improve the performance of the decals. Here’s how it looks in-game:
And here is the file for that. It’s a local script so you have to insert it inside a player.
DecalRenderingHandler.rbxm (4.2 KB)
And here is the code if you want to have a look at it here.
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local LastTick = tick()
local RenderDistance = 150
local Unloaded ="Folder")
Unloaded.Name = "Unloaded"
Unloaded.Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local PlanePreset = script.LowFidelityPlane
local Planes = {}
function CheckForValidation(Plane)
Plane:IsA("MeshPart") and
Plane:GetAttribute("Valid") ~= true and
Plane:GetAttribute("Bake") ~= nil and
Plane:GetAttribute("Offset") ~= nil and
Plane:GetAttribute("RayRange") ~= nil then
local PlaneTable = {
Plane = Plane,
Parent = Plane.Parent,
LowFidelityModel = PlanePreset:Clone()
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Name = Plane.Name
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Transparency = Plane.Transparency
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Parent = Unloaded
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.CFrame = Plane.CFrame
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Size = Plane.Size
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Color = Plane.Color
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Material = Plane.Material
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Reflectance = Plane.Reflectance
for _,v in pairs(Plane:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or v:IsA("Texture") or v:IsA("Decal") then
v:Clone().Parent = PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel
for _,Plane in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if tick()-LastTick >= 1 then
LastTick = tick()
for _,PlaneTable in pairs(Planes) do
local Distance = (workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position-PlaneTable.Plane.Position).Magnitude
if Distance > RenderDistance then
PlaneTable.Plane.Parent = Unloaded
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Parent = PlaneTable.Parent
PlaneTable.Plane.Parent = PlaneTable.Parent
PlaneTable.LowFidelityModel.Parent = Unloaded
I put this together fairly quickly so it probably has some flaws here and there. But for the most part it should help you gain better performance on larger scale levels. Feel free to modify the code as you see fit.
This is revolutionary! I’ll be getting to using this plugin right away. Thank you very much
This is fantastic! Exactly the solution I was looking for. Totally forgot you can exploit MeshDeformation.
Stop. I can’t take this anymore. This is just too great. I don’t care if it’s laggy or not, it’s still crazy cool.
I noticed this bug earlier today as well. I’ll have a look at it. Thanks for the notice : )
Not sure what the bug would be, but if it’s the decal not being deformed correctly, then I’m having the same issue.
It’s weird as it worked perfectly fine at one point, Then I restarted studio and it broke
I think I found a fix. The cage deformer beta feature broke it for me. I recommend disabling for the time being if if you plan on using the plugin.
Thank you! Also I already said this in another comment but I found a way to fix it for myself at least. The cage deformation beta seems to break it so disabling that and restarting studio should do the trick.
Do You have a tutorial for this
-Also Really Cool
it sadly just didnt work for me idk if i’m just stupid but rip
Make sure you don’t have the cage mesh deformer beta enabled.
For some reason it breaks this plugin.
Amazing plugin!
I was wondering: is there a way to implement this in a script? I’d like to use this “technology” to creare AoE vfx for when a player casts a skill, however if I try to move the plane where the player is, it won’t deform to match the terrain’s shape.
You can use this function directly from the plugin:
function UpdatePlane(Plane)
local Success = {}
local Failure = {}
for _,Point in pairs(Plane:GetChildren()) do
if Point:IsA("Bone") then
if Point:GetAttribute("OriginalPosition") == nil then
Point.Position = Point:GetAttribute("OriginalPosition")*Plane.Size
local RayResults = workspace:Raycast(Point.WorldPosition,Plane.CFrame.UpVector*-Plane:GetAttribute("RayRange"),RayParams)
if RayResults then
Point.WorldPosition = RayResults.Position+RayResults.Normal*Plane:GetAttribute("Offset")
if #Success > 0 then
for _,Point in pairs(Failure) do
local Nearest = nil
local NearestDist = math.huge
for _,Point2 in pairs(Success) do
local Dist = (Point:GetAttribute("OriginalPosition")*Plane.Size-Point2:GetAttribute("OriginalPosition")*Plane.Size).Magnitude
if Dist < NearestDist then
NearestDist = Dist
Nearest = Point2
Point.WorldPosition = Nearest.WorldPosition
This is what is used to place the plane onto surfaces. Let me know if you run into any issues with it!
Thank you SO much!! I appreciate it, you are so nice. I will let you know!