Decal Transparency Bug

When people zoom all the way in/get close to their character with the camera, their characters disapear. The only problem is, at least in the case of decals, you guys forgot to make this local to the player!

This didn’t happen before, and instead the decal stayed when the character was zoomed in.



this person is almost zoomed in all the way- as you can see, this replicates to the server

game place in question:

Move the part outside of the character, and set it’s CFrame to be relative to the torso’s CFrame when ‘Torso.Changed:connect(function(Property) if Property == “Position” then DoStuff() end end)’ is fired.

or… have a custom character for that matter…

[strike]It’s probably reflecting the new update where, when you zoom in, your character becomes progressively more transparent (relative to the camera’s distance from it).[/strike]
EDIT: Yeah, it is, I didn’t see that you already knew that.

You could fix this by setting player.CameraMinZoomValue high enough that the decal won’t become transparent.