Decal Transparency not rendering properly upon death

I posted about this bug over a month ago, and got no replies so I’ll try again and hopefully this catches someone’s attention.

When a character dies and respawns, decals and textures that are descendants of the player will render oddly for the rest of the game. By oddly, I mean they are fixed to 0, and cannot be changed by manual editing or script intervention (local or server.)

In my game, the Katana weapon is present on both arms at all times, and is only made visible during an attack that calls for it, and this all works properly until a player has died or respawned once, and then it no longer works as expected for them.

This is how the character looks normally:

And this is how a character looks after the glitch:

I have even tried changing the transparency by hand in studio, and this was the result:

This bug happens every time I try this, and in every game I attempt this in.

As an example place:

Join the game, press 2 to equip the katana. Then, reset and try again.

I’d really like some help with this, it’s starting to really impact the quality of my game in a negative way. Thank you!

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Does it do the same for all properties you try to set for that instance when changing by hand?

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Just the transparency of decals/textures. Name, Color, all editable.