Decal Uploading / Image Size Issue

Today I’m experiencing a weird issue where any image I upload to roblox seems to reduce in size.

I upload spritesheets for my game all the time, where every sprite takes up a space of 128px x 128px.

However, today, when I uploaded this spritesheet, and set the ImageRectSize to 128 x 128, the behavior was unexpected. I expected just the rice dish sprite in the top left to be shown (as this is 128px of the original image)

As shown the image seems to have reduced in size, causing the 128x128 px ImageRectSize to cover a lot more of the image. The image also seems to be much lower in quality…? The total size of the original image was 768x512 px.

I also tried uploading a few different images, and using the ImageRectSize property, and got the exact same results.

For example, I created a 512x512 image where each square took up a 256x256 pixel region, and this image also didn’t work. My expected behavior when setting the image rect size to 256,256 would be to only see the blue square.

Can anyone else reproduce this?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Newly uploaded images excessively blurry