Decal won't appear when in character

TL;DR - Part with decal copied from ReplicatedStorage won’t appear when player is in first person.

Basically, I have some notes the player can inspect. When they trigger a proximity prompt, it clones (from the server side) a note of the same kind and puts it into the player’s view. It plays an animation where they look at it, before putting it away. The part itself is visible, but the decal with all the juicy lore isn’t. Can someone help me with this and explain why it isn’t working as it should?

We can’t really help without the code you used to implement this. Also, I guess this is probably more of a #help-and-feedback:scripting-support question since this is about functionality instead of the art design itself

How far from the camera is the Part? I’m wondering if the Decal is hiding below the Part surface if the part is less than a stud away from the camera. Try making the part Transparent to see if this is the case.
Is this only supposed to be in the player’s view or is the note Part supposed to be visible in front of the player to everyone else (like everyone else can see the note reader is holding a piece of paper in front of their face)?
If it’s just supposed to be on the player’s screen you could turn the note into a GUI on their screen.