Decals being see through

Double clicked it

@EchoWinds I don’t have Roblox studio on my screen at this moment. and I also don’t use decals much, but if you place them apart and change the transparency to 1 and put the decal in the part it might not make it see-through. tell me if it didn’t work.

Yeah the decal is in the part. No matter where I place it though you’ll always see what’s behind for some reason.

@EchoWinds I think their is something wrong with the decal.

Is the part that the decal on transparent? Make sure the part transparency is set to 0.

The part that the decal is on has the Transparency set at 1. I need it to be stay like that as I don’t want the part to be visible

There’s nothing wrong with the decal, if anything it may be a Roblox bug as this wasn’t happening to me before. As I’m not 100% positive yet, I’d still like a way to fix this issue.

try setting the decal transparency to -1,-2 etc

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Unfortunately made no difference.

Send us the image/ decal itself, maybe the image is a bit transparent or smthn

The Transparency is fine so it can’t be that either. Worth mentioning that this happening for every decal in the game and not just this one. This mainly happens when you put a decal in the open and that’s where the background can be visible through it. Has this ever been an issue for you?

Your best bet would be to make this into a mesh so it can’t be seen through


It looks like ambient occlusion (the shadows inside corners) is showing through the decal.

Use the paper decal in another place. Ensure that there are a lot of corners nearby and that there’s ambient occlusion, and look at the corners through the decal. Does the bug still happen?
If it does, then the problem might be in the decal you’re using.

Use a different decal instead of the paper decal. Does the bug still happen?
If it does, then it might be an engine bug. But then I’d be very surprised if you hadn’t seen this happen before.

I don’t know of any fix for this.

As far as I’m aware, there’s no way to fix this aside from what @JoolCaat said.
Here’s a tutorial that’ll probably work

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I’ve noticed this as well. When a texture is applied to a transparent part. Geometry can be seen through the decal but only when Lighting.Technology is set to “Future”. At least from my own observations. See pics.
Decal transparency = 0 and the part it is on has transparency set to 1


This definetly needs looking into. Since I’m trying to build a realistic showcase with Future lighting and this graphical issue ruins it.


I’ve been having issues with it too.
I’ve filed a bug report here:

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I have this same issue… its super annoying. Hopefully Roblox fixes it.

Try posting on my bug report instead since it’s likely to get more attention there.

I was having a similar issue. I narrowed it down to being related to the Future Lighting. After turning it off the bug goes away. Not sure of a fix other than not using Future Lighting.

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Hi, probably late to this but have you tried setting the ZIndex value to the maximum? Worth a try.