Decals not loading in?

Before we’re going off-topic here, a sub-class is a class of a superclass. One such instance of superclass is BasePart, using Part, Wedge, etc. as sub-classes.

All of the current ideas above didn’t seem to work, I’ll keep trying though.

Request fail throws if you supply an invalid asset id through that link. Library ids are not the same as image ids, so you will have to find a method of converting that into the proper asset id.

You can use the rbxthumb ContentId to help in this process. This’ll fetch the thumbnail of the image without having to do any subtraction tricks. I do believe the thumbnail differs from the actual image asset though so you’ll need to figure that bit out on your own.

Texture = "rbxthumb://type=Asset&id=" .. id .. "&w=420&h=420"

That worked, thanks. I didn’t realise you have to put it like that.