Decide if you are going to allow < .2 studs bricks or not, you're breaking my game

Roblox seem to be going to an fro with this whole “allow bricks under .2 studs” topic.
I just want to point out, while you are switching it on and off, you’re breaking my guns.

Here is the ammo, who used to fit nicely in the DB Shotgun but now can’t be smaller than .2 studs and thus made fat.

Not a pleasant surprise to wake up to, day after making a big update.

But you can just use SpecialMesh

That is the obvious solution that everyone can see. Doesn’t mean it wont take me hours of work replacing these welded bricks with scale accurate specialmeshes.

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It was actually disabled a long time ago. Like 3 weeks or longer now I think.

They disabled it about 2 days after accidentally enabling it, meaning they didn’t ‘update’ it to begin with :confused: (Hopefully they bring it back!)

But this effect didn’t happen until this morning so they obviously changed something.

Could they have clamped meshpart sizes to 0.2 studs overnight? If so, that’s weird

MeshParts have been clamped to 0.2 for a while as well.

I’m talking about clamping the sizes of existing meshparts that are already <0.2
That would be legit sociopathic


roblox if you could just let scripts set sizes below .2 on each axis and disable physics when that happens, that’d be great.


Dang. Sorry we missed this. @PlaceRebuilder - if you’re still having this issue, would you mind filing another report? We’ll get to it. Apologies.