Decimal factorials not working

What do you want to achieve?
I want to make a factorial function

What is the issue?
I can’t find any way to solve factorials unless they are whole numbers

What solutions have you tried so far?
I have looked on devforum and youtube and google and discord and I literally can’t find any way to get decimals to properly work with factorials

the only thing I know is that you can use gamma functions to solve decimal factorials but I am looking and I have no idea how I would implement that into luau so I am really struggling
I even used Stirling’s approximation but that is not 100% true as I need something to be completely true to the actual answer

local function SolveFactorial(FN)
	if string.match(FN, "^-") then
		local T = 1
		FN *= -1
		for i = FN, 1, -1 do
			T = T * i
		T *= -1
		return T
		local T = 1
		for i = FN, 1, -1 do
			T = T * i
		return T

this is a normal factorial function that works with all integers expect 0

local function SF(FN)
	if string.match(FN, "^-") then
		FN *= -1
		local N = math.sqrt(2*math.pi*FN)*math.pow((FN/math.exp(1)), FN)
		N *= -1
		return N
		local N = math.sqrt(2*math.pi*FN)*math.pow((FN/math.exp(1)), FN)
		return N

and this is Stirling’s approximation which as I said before isn’t 100% accurate

these are the two functions that I have so far and I don’t know what I should do at this point to fix it
is there a way to use the gamma function or is there an easier way to do this then what I am doing atm

any help will really save a lot of time thank you, D0RYU

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This is a very interesting problem. Sadly I don’t have a solution to it at the moment but you may want to look into using HttpService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub to calculate it on another site. This isn’t the best solution but it’s what I can think of on the spot.

if I really have to then I will do httpservice that will be the last thing in mind
thanks for the comment!

I figured out my problem :smiley: