Recently i found this
Do Collisions cause Lag?
And what is Decomposition Geometry?
In a minor sense, yes. If you have a very complex mesh that doesn’t require collisions, it’s always best practice to change the CollisionFidelity to Box, and turn CanCollide to false.
For example, tree leaves don’t usually need to have collisions, so turning the CollisionFidelity to Box and CanCollide to false is the best option.
The Show Decomposition Geometry setting allows devs to visualize collision geometry (the areas that players/objects physically collide with) for MeshParts and Unions. Players don’t see this, as it’s only a setting in Studio.
Thanks So much mostly everything that i had was default. it still looked good for the collisions with hull on. Hopefully it reduces some lag. Thanks
Is there any other lag reducing methods?
There are a lot of methods that work in some situations that don’t for others, I certainly can’t list them all here.
If you’re finding that your game has lag issues, DM me and we can go further into specific solutions for your use case. Granted the image you provided seems like lag isn’t much of an issue, unless there’s a large section of the map you’re omitting.