Deep Sound System - My attempt to make sound a little bit deeper for user

So, i was not fine with roblox audio, i mean, it cut off RollOffMax/Min really instant, i wanted to smooth it, so i did this:

for now, i played with Equalizer Settings, it sounds more clear.

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Whole setup looks like this:

local DSS = require(script.Parent.DSS)

Here DSS itself and config:

-- DSS
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
assert(RunService:IsClient()==true, "DSS is to be run on client side.")

local Config = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Config"))

local ABS, COS, DEG, ACOS = math.abs, math.cos, math.deg, math.acos
local DSS = {}

function DSS:Add( Sound)
	local OriginalVolume = Sound.Volume
	local OriginalPlaybackSpeed = Sound.PlaybackSpeed
	local SoundPosition = Sound.Parent.Position
	local Listener = Config.Listener
	local EQ = Sound:FindFirstChildOfClass("EqualizerSoundEffect") or"EqualizerSoundEffect", Sound)
	EQ.LowGain = Config.EQ.LOWGAIN
	local REVERB = Sound:FindFirstChildOfClass("ReverbSoundEffect") or"ReverbSoundEffect", Sound)
	REVERB.WetLevel = 1
		local Distance = (SoundPosition - Listener.Position).Magnitude
		local MDistance = Sound.RollOffMaxDistance
		local Angle = DEG(ACOS((SoundPosition-Listener.Position).Unit:Dot(Listener.CFrame.LookVector)))
		Sound.Volume = (Distance < MDistance) and (1 - Distance/MDistance)--[[*ABS(COS(Angle))]] or 0
		EQ.MidGain = (Distance < MDistance) and (-Config.EQ.MIDGAIN + Config.EQ.MIDGAIN * Distance/MDistance + Config.EQ.MIDGAIN * ABS(Angle)/90)
		EQ.HighGain = (Distance < MDistance) and (Config.EQ.HIGHGAIN + Config.EQ.HIGHGAIN * Distance/MDistance + Config.EQ.HIGHGAIN * ABS(Angle)/90)
		REVERB.DecayTime = (Distance < MDistance) and (Config.REVERB.DecayTime + Config.REVERB.DecayTime * (1 - Distance / MDistance) - Config.REVERB.DecayTime * ABS(Angle) / 90)

return DSS

-- Config
local Config = {
	Listener = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"),
	EQ = {
		LOWGAIN = 6,
		MIDGAIN = 3,
		DecayTime = 10

return Config


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idk if my question is smthing lol but what is that music?

idk picked up from toolbox, so not really know, i switched it already.