DeepLink Test Failing

Wanted to test using the DeepLinking feature and see how it all worked. Seems like something that could be helpful for me later on. I wrote some code to auto-generate the AppFlyer link, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

local HS = game:GetService("HttpService")

local base1 = "" .. game.PlaceId .. "&launchData=%s"
local base2 = "roblox://placeId=" .. game.PlaceId .. "&launchData=%s"
local appFlyer = ""

local function getDeepLink(data)
	local str = HS:JSONEncode(data)
	local encoded1 = HS:UrlEncode(string.format(base1, str))
	local encoded2 = HS:UrlEncode(string.format(base2, str))
	return string.format(appFlyer, encoded1, encoded2)

print(getDeepLink({TestData = {InvitedBy = "blowup999"}}))

It gave me the following link:{“TestData”%3A{“InvitedBy”%3A"blowup999"}}&af_dp=roblox%3A%2F%2FplaceId%3D13326902507%26launchData%3D{“TestData”%3A{“InvitedBy”%3A"blowup999"}}
This however seems to be failing. Instead of sending me to the game or even the game’s page, it just sends me to, and I’m not sure why, as it seems to follow the documentation in the original post as well as in Dev Hub. I know there’s a limit of 200 bytes decoded information, but I’m pretty sure it’s under that limit.

For whatever reason, Dev Hub translates the { } back in from the URL encoding: Picture of the actual encoding which doesn’t appear to have any special characters:

After trying it on mobile, it seems to work fine, but for whatever reason it doesn’t work on pc.

Mobile auto-joins game, PC sends me to instead of even showing the game’s page.

It’s most likely over 200 bytes, as on my computer which has 8 gigabytes of ram, it takes at least 15 seconds to load up the devforum.

Or this can be a bug, I wouldn’t use features that are in beta until they release.

I have noticed that appsflyer does not work on pc. You’ll have to create a mobile and desktop link as an alternative.

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