What would be the best way to change/create someone’s default appearance in-game? This includes; Shirts, Pants, Packages,hats
I believe the easiest way is via the game settings. Open the place file, and in the Home tab, open Game Settings (the blue cog). From there, access the Avatar page and scroll down. Flip the switches on the items you want to replace and put in the item IDs.
For pants, however, you’ll need to write some code (unless there’s a simpler method I’m unaware of):
local defaultPantsID=0 --replace this with the ID of the pants you want to use.
function characterAdded(chr) --function for when the character is added
chr:WaitForChild("Pants").PantsTemplate="rbxassetid://"..defaultPantsID --wait for the "pants" object and replace it with the new default
function playerAdded(plr) --function for when the player is added
plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(characterAdded) --connect the character's addition to the prior function
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(playerAdded) --connect the player's addition to the prior function
This is a feature of studio. It’s in the game settings. You can change the body parts as well as preset the clothing. It’s in the game settings.
For starter characters, you can modify the character’s appearance in “Game Settings” under the “Avatar” tabular.
The best way to change someone’s default appearance is to apply a HumanoidDescription and specify the specific properties in which that HumanoidDescription’s class members represent.
The wiki has an excellent article on using HumanoidDescription: HumanoidDescription | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub