Default Backpack Delayed/Unresponsive on Phone

Recently the default backpack system started to have delay on phone. When tapping on the hot bar slots it sometimes takes ~0.5s for it to register. Very rarely the slot becomes completely unresponsive making it impossible to equip the tool. I never had this issue before until the past week.

System Information: iPhone 15 Pro, iOS Version 18.3

Reproduction: This place is the empty baseplate template with only tools added in the starter pack. On a touch device tap the slots until you notice a delay. Backpack Phone Bug - Roblox

Example of delay occurring in this clip. The circle moves where I tapped and the tool equips ~0.5s after:


Also, this occurs on a custom backpack gui I made a few weeks ago. Before it was running smoothly. I did a lot of debugging on it today and found out all button events like “TouchTap”, “Activated” and “MouseButton1Click” are delayed on phone. There were no issues on my end so I knew it had to be something with the engine. The weird part is other buttons in different guis worked fine, only the hot bar buttons were delaying.

If the issue keeps persisting I recommend trying to use a custom backpack library like Satchel.

Maybe something changed. Though what I know is that recently, there can be issues regarding activating Tools in the first place, which is fixed if you update to the latest Roblox Version.

So, ensuring that one is always on the latest Roblox Version is important.