Default character spawn position has broken some games

Not sure where this fits. I have filed it directly under bug reports for that reason.

It seems as though the default spawn position for characters has been lowered. Many games that did not include spawn locations are affected by this. Players are reporting repeatedly falling to their deaths because they are no longer spawning into the map but instead are spawning beneath it.

A place affected by this issue can be found here.

I’d recommend changing it back for now and considering a new way to go about changing it for future places.

This happens in my game when I am trying to test it too. The instant I spawn, every part in my character is set to nil and I respawn soon after, repeating the cycle.

A fix for this issue was included in the build released on Thursday. If you are still having this issue, please provide a link to a place and a description of what is happening and what you are expecting to have happen.


Even though I have spawnlocations, the players don’t seem to be spawning there. They don’t really “spawn” at all, they just instantly dissapear and respawn again.

[ EDIT ] I managed to fix players dying by making a huge invisible baseplate, but they still don’t spawn in the right places

[quote] A fix for this issue was included in the build released on Thursday. If you are still having this issue, please provide a link to a place and a description of what is happening and what you are expecting to have happen.

Thanks. [/quote]

This update completely broke my spawning system here

Expected: Player joins, spawns in the lobby (a spawn location ~3000 studs away from 0,0,0. Watches or skips cutscene, Spawn GUI shown (choose between 12 places to teleport to) Clicks a place, and their character is teleported there, invisilbe and unanchored, unaffected by the surroundings, as to see if they reallly want to go there.

What happens: Player joins, spawns at -2147.484, 0.594, -1260.4 (anchored), Watches or skips cutscene. Spawn GUI shown. Clicks a place, character still at -2147.484, 0.594, -1260.4, (just invisible this time). Click teleport and you fall until you reach ocean level (automatically forces them to not fall anymore).

Here’s a pic