Default Loading Gui [Update]

Hi Developers,

In the coming weeks, we are making a change to one of our CoreScripts that will improve loading times for some experiences.

What’s changed

Normally, we expect that the Default Loading Gui will automatically get taken down after:

  1. game.Loaded event fires.

  2. If CharacterAutoLoads is true, then when CharacterAdded event also fires. Edit: if CharacterAutoLoads is false, removing the Default Loading Gui will not wait for CharacterAdded.

However, we recently noticed that if an experience has any Instance under ReplicatedFirst, it will force the Default Loading Gui to stay up for 5 seconds, even if both events have already fired.

We are changing this so that the Default Loading Gui will not behave differently when ReplicatedFirst has descendants. So now the Default Loading Gui will always get taken down after:

  1. game.Loaded event fires.

  2. If CharacterAutoLoads is true, then when CharacterAdded event also fires. Edit: if CharacterAutoLoads is false, removing the Default Loading Gui will not wait for CharacterAdded.

We predict that this change will only be beneficial, but because it can impact game loads, we want to be careful with the rollout. This is why we will enable this change today, only on Studio, then rollout the change across all experiences on April 3.

Please let us know if you see any problems with this change, and we’ll work with you to fix them ASAP.

Thank you.


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One Flaw: It will finish loading if the CharacterAutoLoads is true, what if it’s a GUI only game? and you have it off, and it makes games like this unplayable

also I like the fact that it makes loading screens faster, we can get to games faster



I am unsure of the specifics of this update, but I would still like it if I call RemoveDefaultLoadingGui on the first tick that a ReplicatedFirst script runs, it never shows the loading screen (if possible)


Sorry, I think the wording might’ve been unclear - if you have CharacterAutoLoads set to false, it will drop the default gui after just game.Loaded event fires. It won’t wait for CharacterAdded if you have CharacterAutoLoads set to false - if it does, that’s a problem, so please let us know!


Yup, this will still respect Developers manually calling RemoveDefaultLoadingGui - this update is only meant to address issues for experiences that:

  1. Don’t call RemoveDefaultLoadingGui.
  2. Have Instances under ReplicatedFirst, but don’t want a custom loading screen.

oh, I was asking this because you mentioned “if characterautoloads is true” and I thought it will make certain games unplayable, and I do agree that the wording isn’t clear. :slight_smile:


This is amazing! 10/10

Game loading is much faster than used to be


The old behaviour made little sense anyway. Glad to see this being changed


Are we ever going to be able to modify the Loading Gui, or any of the CoreGUI?


The hard coded 5 second wait in the loading script always seemed pretty confusing. Really appreciate addressing that since I frequently accompany my experiences with loading screens and show menu screens earlier than those 5 seconds. In cases where I don’t, I want my branding to show but often it might not even appear at all (disappears earlier than the default loading screen).


Finally! For some reason the old loading gui always appeared despite me disabling it. Glad this was changed.


This is veering off-topic but you already can create a custom loading screen: Customizing Loading Screens | Roblox Creator Documentation

And most of the CoreGui can be disabled and replaced by your own UI: StarterGui | Roblox Creator Documentation


Woah, I now have a reason to remember this service exists. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So this isn’t a visual update, but a good update to improve loading times? That’s great! Should make graphically intensive games faster to load, and for the devs sake, increase game engagement rate. I haven’t had time to test it out yet, but I am sure it is a good update


I know, I’m referring to CoreUI like the actual Loading Screen when you’re attempting to join a game. Also any other CoreUI like the topbar (menu button and menu) if it would ever be able to be modified.


Will there ever be an update that will allow us to edit the loading screen directly from the Settings?
As the current method shows it for a bit making it change between the 2


I don’t see any reason why this is a big deal? We don’t need to propose solutions for ‘eye candy’.

This doesn’t improve loading times, it fixes issues with instances that are replicated first.

This update quite literally does nothing other than remove the forced 5 seconds of loading when anything is within ReplicatedFirst.