Default playtest camera is completely broken

Reproduction Steps
System information: Windows 10; Intel(R) Core™ i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz; 16GB; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TI


  • Open a brand new baseplate (Or any game with the default camera)
  • Try to move the camera around in third person

Expected Behavior
I expect the camera to move normally, just like in the client.

Actual Behavior
The camera doesn’t move at all (except in the same frame that the mouse is right-clicked, sometimes)

This also affects the built-in free camera that can be accessed by pressing Shift+P.

(You can see the camera moving a bit when I first right-click in these clips)

The only workaround for this issue is entering first person, but of course, this comes with the disadvantages of always having the mouse locked and some games not being designed around this playstyle.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date Last Experienced: 2021-07-03 18:07:00 (+00:00)

Note: All plugins were disabled during the recording of these clips


I can’t replicate this. I opened an empty baseplate in a new studio instance and was able to move my camera around as normal. It’s likely something to do with Roblox and your laptop. I would suggest checking for updates for your input/trackpad software.

Thanks for your input, however, this issue only occurs in Roblox Studio and not the client, proving drivers aren’t an issue here.

That’s not necessarily true. Studio may interact differently than client due to its extra functionality. I would expect it to be an issue for more people if this were truly a Roblox problem. It’s not like you’re running exotic hardware.

Movement in edit mode still works as expected, showing that this isn’t an issue with my drivers, right-clicking is being registered as normal.

This might be a you specific problem because I was not able to replicate this no matter what I did.

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Could you check what the player’s CurrentCamera CameraType is?

Of course! The CameraType is Custom, the default in a baseplate.


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This is an issue I’ve also experienced for the past few weeks now, however, only while using CloneTrooper1019’s Roblox Studio Mod Manager. If I launch Roblox Studio normally, this bug does not occur.

I made a post about this on the Roblox Studio Mod Manager topic earlier today in case it was a separate issue:


Huh, that’s a first. I’ve never had any issues specific with the mod manager, should’ve tested stock studio first. My bad!