The current default pose for avatars in thumbnails has been changed to the Rthro pose, which limits the creativity of users and goes against the core values of Roblox as a platform for self-expression. The old R15 pose, which can be found at this link, provided a more dynamic and expressive representation of avatars. Since we already have the option to use the Rthro pose through the Rthro idle animation, it raises the question: why can’t we also have the old R15 pose available as a default option? Users should be able to choose between both poses to express their creativity best.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- Go to the Avatar page
- Remove your idle animation (if equipped)
- Observe that the default pose used in the avatar thumbnail is the Rthro pose and not the default pose prior to this update.
Image of the old pose
Image of the current pose
Expected behavior
I expect the old R15 pose to be reintroduced as the default option for avatar thumbnails, allowing users to showcase their creativity and personality through more dynamic poses.