Default sounds in a character's head are sometimes missing

I’ve been having a small issue with my game for about a month now. The issue is that sometimes when I play the game, the default sounds for a character don’t play. Such as the walking, falling, and jumping sounds. I’ve found that this is because all the sounds that are normally children of a character’s head are missing. I decided to test if this would happen playing a default base plate game. It did. The bug seems very random. I had to rejoin the game about 5 times until the sounds were gone. This bug never happens in studios and only happens when you hit play on the website.

If you want to test this out for yourself, get a game. Then keep rejoining that game until you notice your character doesn’t play the running sound. That’s really all to it.

Here’s me in the default base plate game when the bug occurred:

These are the sounds that are missing sometimes:



Hi chillthrill709, when this happens can you please type ctrl-shift-f3 and check the IPv4 address. I am particularly interested if this occurs for any addresses other than those that start with 128.116.. or 209.206... Thanks.

I’ve been checking the address whenever this happens to me for some time now. But I haven’t been able to get anything different from 128.116… or 209.206… But I have noticed one of these two addresses when the bug hadn’t occurred.

Thanks! Yes, it does not seem to happen 100% for these addresses, but it seems to be 0% for all other addresses from my tests. I just wanted to independently confirm.

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