Hello there. I have not been developing on Roblox for a while and I have gotten back today and found that they have enabled strafing. I have followed the guide and it seems to not work.
Has anyone been able to get this to work? If so please can you tell me what I am doing wrong.
local GameSettings: GameSettings = UserSettings():GetService("GameSettings")
local UserGameSettings: UserGameSettings = UserSettings():GetService("UserGameSettings")
UserGameSettings.RotationType = Enum.RotationType.CameraRelative
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
Character = character
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid",true)
if humanoid then
humanoid.AutoRotate = false
Non critical points of the script have been removed.
The script is in StarterPlayerScripts
There is a warning in the console: Strafe blending disabled. Not all quadrants of motion represented. Which leads to the local animate script which I have no idea how it works.
If you want me to provide a video. I can but it won’t really be interesting. Any help is much appreciated.
This warning and problem occurs when the HumanoidDescription applied to the Humanoid is using animations that do not support strafing. I’m unaware of anything other than the default Rthro/R15 animation pack supporting this.
Here’s a video that showcases what I’m talking about…
However, checking your Roblox profile reveals that you are using the Rthro animation package, so I’m not entirely sure what else could be causing this problem.
Are you doing anything else? All I did was check Players.UseStrafingAnimations and it works as I expect it to.
Okay so it turns out I am not using an animation which supports it.
I changed my character model and it seemed to work just fine. http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11600211410 Here is the animation that was “apparently” on my character.
I am mindblown because I don’t know how there is 2 different “default” rthro animation walks.
I was definitely using the rthro pack for this one. Not sure what happened.