Defend The Train - Version 0.3.2


Version 0.3.2 ALPHA
This update should serve as the final standard update in the ALPHA.


  • Added 2 new gamemodes (Pressure, Randomizer)
  • Added highlights to low health players when playing as Medic
  • Added event tracks to VIP Server console


  • Fixed enemy bullets ignoring other enemy vehicles
  • Fixed barrages appearing in Classic
  • Fixed Cranked still appearing on Boss Waves
  • Fixed low health effects not accounting for a lower maximum
  • Fixed clipping being incorrect on the Default train when playing on Cart Swap
  • Fixed track tint colours not being updated properly
  • Fixed lighting on Metro
  • Fixed Jeep’s driver facing the opposite direction

General Changes

  • Repeat tracks will no longer show up until there is no more unique ones to pull from in a game
  • Enemy & Vehicle tags appearing through walls is now attached to the Enemy Radar
  • Low health passengers now show the same effects as players for Medics
  • The Weaponry upgrade now updates passengers instantly
  • Increased Extra Ammo’s maximum capacity on the Passenger Train from 1 > 2
  • Increased Steel Coating’s maximum capacity on the Passenger Train from 10 > 15
  • Increased the Extra Sector’s health on the Passenger Train from 500 > 750
  • Decreased base price of Weaponry from 1000 > 600
  • Decreased Hi-Tech Facility’s laser height on the Passenger Train
  • Increased Biker’s wait time from 2s > 4s
  • Overhauled first-join message
  • Updated Jungle Outpost
  • Updated Ads





This gamemode is a rather simple one, though offers a pretty demanding challenge. In this mode, any difficulty setting that scales by wave is set to the maximum right from the get-go. This includes wave time, enemy damage, and anything else you could think of.

You’ll need some serious co-operation if you want to get far, which makes this a pretty good one with friends! To compensate for such a large difficulty spike, you’re given around 3000 EXP from the start right away to purchase some upgrades.


This gamemode is an oddball and doesn’t make too much sense. Here, just about anything goes! Each wave, the track you’re playing on will be given a totally random set of enemies that can spawn regardless if their placement is out of place or not. The game will select a set of 3 enemies by default, and will gradually increase up to a pool of 6 as you progress.

Some pretty weird or downright terrifying combinations can be pulled from this, so I hope you all find this one to be pretty fun.

Medic Effects

The Medic received a few changes to their low health effects that I’d like to quickly document. Previously, Medics have been able to see a player’s tag through walls alongside a beating marker above their head to indicate they’re at low health.

Now with Roblox’s highlight feature being enabled, I’ve finally gotten a chance to make use of it. On-top of the already existing marker, low health players are now given a nice red highlight around their character that’ll be visible through walls!

medic highlight

All these effects also now get applied to any friendlies at low health, which currently includes the passengers on the Passenger train.

Progress Report

To end things off here, I’ve got some good and bad news to share today.

Starting with the good news, this was the last formal update we had planned for the ALPHA! Going forward throughout the rest of the Summer, we’ll be spending our time cracking away at the long-awaited BETA update.

To give a bit of a more up-to-date list on our plans, this is what we’re looking to focus on for the update:

  • Weapon Unlocks, Cosmetics, and the Shop
  • Ranks/Levels
  • Forest Boss: Junior & Senior

Originally I was planning on including the Campaign mode I’ve previously mentioned in this list, though to keep things in a realistic scope, I’ll have that moved to another update post-launch. Regardless, the first two are guaranteed with the third being an extra that I’d really like to include.

Some standard changes are to be expected with this update as well, simple things like new tracks, gamemodes, train types, bug fixes, general changes, and all that stuff should make it’s way into the update.

We’re starting production pretty much right away with the shop being our first thing to get done. Weapons are the most important piece to all of this, so we’ll want to make sure we give it enough time so we can put lots of care into them. I’m looking to have all of it ready by the end of August or in September, so the game will be in another dry period until then. To remedy for this, we’ll still be putting out some bite-sized updates to our other games RBLXWare & Battleboards throughout.

Thanks everyone, take care and enjoy!

senior and junior

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Version 0.3.2a
This patch adds a single new feature.


  • Added marker to the furthest sector when a certain distance away

General Changes

  • Updated Ads


  • @ssails - Assets/Textures
  • Maybe_Duck, GuilRoman - New Ads


You’re welcome.