Version 0.4.5 BETA (Halloween Update)
This Halloween update adds in a new track, a handful of themed items, and a ton of fixes n’ balance changes.
- Added new track (Circus [Event])
- Added new special wave (SNAKES!!!)
- Added new badge (Halloween 2023)
- Added new weapon (Roadside Rampage [Psycho, Primary])
- Added 8 new skins (Voodoo [Default] (Limited), Spirit Suppressors [Default] (Limited), Toy Soldiers (Limited), Bloxxers, Frank and Stein [Medic, Psycho] (Limited), Dracula [Gunslinger] (Limited), Vampunk [Gunslinger] (Limited), Nightwatcher [Gunslinger] (Limited), Alchemist [Medic] (Limited))
- Added 2 new weapon skins (Chiroptera [Second-Rate Sawed Off, Judge, Assault Rifle] (Limited), Max Efficiency [Second-Rate Sawed Off])
- Added 2 new emotes (Reanimated (Limited), Broncobuster)
- Added 2 stickers (Watch Your Back (Limited), Boba Tea)
- Added new setting (Show Owned Items)
- Added screen effect for when players receive healing
- Added overlay to the healthbar to indicate cut maximum health
- Added special chat message for teleporting to the tutorial or shooting range
- Readded Graveyard
- Readded Pumpkin Valley
- Fixed being unable to purchase styles with a conflicting name of an off-sale item
- Fixed certain vehicles ignoring thrown projectiles
- Fixed Bandit Queen’s vehicle granting an excess amount of EXP
- Fixed Senior’s shock bomb hit detection
- Fixed rarely being able to gain EXP off of Senior’s shock bomb
- Fixed Railgun facing the wrong direction when spawned on the left
- Fixed Second-Rate Sawed Off using the incorrect reload times
- Fixed gun effects not being present on all applicable weapons
- Fixed profile cards not being layered above the spectate UI
- Fixed automatic idle state not working for active waves
- Fixed automatic idle state being able to register multiple times
- Fixed dead players respawning on loadout change in Armoury Circuit
General Changes
- Increased amount of intermission time shaved from readying up from 3s > 5s
- Decreased limit for intermission time cuts to stop applying
- Updated the Turret upgrade to attempt to pre-fire at arriving enemies
- Updated the Turret upgrade to be able to fire at independent enemies
- Increased Combat train’s disposable sector health from 3000 > 3500
- Decreased Cable train’s sector health from 10000 > 8000
- Increased Quickshot Rifle’s clip size from 6 > 8
- Increased Quickshot Rifle’s base reload speed from 2.02s > 1.7s
- Increased Quickshot Rifle’s damage increase while effect is active from 30% > 40%
- Increased Quickshot Rifle’s reload speed upgrade increment from 0.05s > 0.1s
- Decreased Second-Rate Sawed Off’s base damage from 6 > 3
- Increased Dart Gun’s base reload speed from 2.3s > 1.6s
- Reduced Dart Gun’s damage upgrade price from 300 > 200
- Reduced Dart Gun’s fire rate upgrade price from 200 > 100
- Reduced Dart Gun’s ammo reserve upgrade price from 200 > 100
- Reduced Dart Gun’s reload speed upgrade price from 200 > 100
- Reduced Dart Gun’s reload speed upgrade increment from 0.3s > 0.2s
- Energy Drink now gives a 10% damage increase when moving while the effect is active
- Increased Energy Drink’s base recharge time from 20s > 18s
- Increased Gasoline’s recharge time upgrade increment from 1s > 2s
- Decreased Deflector’s cooldown time from 0.3s > 0.15s
- Decreased Judge’s base damage from 5 > 3
- Dark Robloxian Roast now gradually makes shots less accurate on miss while effect is active
- Senior and Junior now grant EXP
- Senior’s shock bomb now does more damage after each hit
- Decreased health increment cuts on Senior and Junior on Rapid and the Bullet train
- Decreased speed of Hyperbike from 2.5 > 3.5
- Shop and inventory viewports no longer generate on server startup
- Decreased intensity of the low health effect
- Tag Visibility setting will now hide health bars if the player is not playing Medic
- Increased duration of some stickers
- Updated Cable train’s extra sector
- Updated Second-Rate Sawed Off
- Updated Forgotten Saviour
- Updated UI to Halloween colour scheme
- Updated lobby to Halloween theme
- Updated Ads
- @FuzzyDimonds, @exwumm, @matteo19919, @doshcollector - New Track
- @doshcollector, @AltiWyre - Enemy animations
- @Kariverse, @AltiWyre - New weapon
- somebocks, RlTUAL, @Care4Chloe, GuilRoman, @doshcollector, @2BHeaded, @Cawrle, @woopercooper, @BriggeyBruh - New skins
- @doshcollector, @matteo19919 - New weapon skins
- @fan1gIam, @doshcollector - New emotes
- iemomy, Neoxotic - New stickers
- @Heathsroms2 - New music
- funkymura - New Ad
The Halloween update is now out! Plenty of limited items have gone on-sale in the shop with the new badge being earned by completing the Circus track alive. Completion of the track will award you with the Clown skin for Psycho. All Halloween content will be available until November 23rd, 2023.
New Special Wave
Included in this update is the SNAKES!!! special wave, a straight-forward condition that will continually spawn small snakes on the bottom parts of the train throughout the wave. The snakes slightly move around from where they spawn and will damage the player when touched, though they are able to be destroyed. The idea is to keep an eye on how many snakes are spawning while also not losing focus on incoming enemies.
New Weapon & Balance Changes
This update adds the Roadside Rampage, a new primary shotgun for Psycho! This weapon comes with a weaker power overall compared to the stock shotgun and is able to pick up on firing speed, damage, and reload speed as damage is dealt to vehicles. The catch to the weapon is that the boost is constantly draining, so the player is incentivized to stay on the ball if they wish to keep their boosted stats.
To start with balance changes made, the Quickshot Rifle has been given an extended clip size, faster base reload speed, stronger damage while boosted, and a slight tweak to the reload speed upgrade. The extended clip and faster reload speed should help with making better use of the weapon’s special effect and keep it on-par with the power of the other sniper-type items.
The Dart Gun has been slightly adjusted to make it’s base reload speed faster and it’s upgrades cheaper in price overall.
The Energy Drink now gives a 10% damage boost on any shots fired while moving with it’s effect active which helps compensate for some damage that may be lost when playing with a run & gun style. To support this and it’s use as an escape tool further, the recharge rate when fully upgraded is MUCH faster than before with another drink being readily available not too long after the effect wears off.
Throwables such as the Toxic Waste and the Gasoline have had their collision fixed so vehicles that were mistakenly ignoring them no longer do so. While large vehicles such as the Bandit Queen’s “Big Bertha” or the Blimp were always not meant to be coated, other aerial vehicles such as the stock plane were being ignored, which is now fixed! On-top of this, the Gasoline now recharges faster when upgraded fully.
The Dark Robloxian Roast has received a new downside as I felt like it’s listed downside of less vehicle damage and it’s natural downside of having no damageable secondary option wasn’t much. This update changes it so shots missed (as in hitting nothing, vehicles don’t apply!) will gradually increase the primary weapon’s spread for the effect’s duration.
Finally, the Second-Rate Sawed Off and the Judge have received nerfs in their damage output. I felt as if the two were FAR too strong with the Sawed Off being too powerful of a combination with the Radicola and the Judge being able to dish out near primary levels of damage. The Sawed Off has also had it’s reload speed fixed, as previously it was mistakenly using a slightly shorter time when loading two shells rather than a single shell.
For the changes towards the train types, the Cable train has had it’s main sector health decreased as I felt like it’s original health made games drag on for too long. The change of course keeps it bulky, though not by a more absurd amount like before. The Cable train has also had it’s extra sector updated to have more walkable space on the roof.
The Combat train has gotten a slight health increase on it’s front & back sector. The Turret upgrade has also been updated to attempt to pre-fire at incoming enemies and the ability to target independent enemies such as the skeletons on the Temple track.