99.99% of the time I don’t want studs / inlets on my inserted parts. They do weird magic welding stuff that screws with my code and don’t match my game aesthetic unless I’m going for toy blocks.
I propose a way to specify as a preference, the default on inserted parts. I would like to set all my parts / wedges / etc to be inserted with “Smooth” surfaces. This would be a per-user studio setting.
Since this is a Studio features (as in, wouldn’t affect existing games), is there a reason to not just default to Smooth? As you mentioned, 99.99% of the time someone inserts a part they don’t want to use studs/inlets, so it doesn’t make sense for them to be the default. The only instance it’s really useful is for new users who don’t understand how ROBLOX works yet, as they can place parts on top of each other without added thought and have them work. I think that the place templates ROBLOX has been building up are a much more appropriate learning environment though, so I’m not sure this is something new users need still.
New users have no idea how to write code to make parts stick together so they rely on this. Although maybe there’s a more modern method of doing this with studio tools?
Whatever option is best for new users should be the default. As long as I can change it I am happy.
It looks like there is actually. Under the “Home” and “Model” tabs, there is a dropdown labeled “Join”:
When this setting is enabled (which I think is by default), parts moved with the default Studio tools will create a ManualWeld named “Part-to-Part Strong Joint” between touching parts, automatically connecting them, similar to studs/inlets. With this, I’m not sure studs/inlets are necessary anymore.
I would love if the default had parts be smooth on all sides and also be anchored. Right now if you simply insert parts and build with them as-is and then test stuff, chances are that most of what you make will fall apart.