Deformable Snow

Hey Developers,

I am currently working on my Dynamic Sky plugin, and I am always experimenting with new things to add to the system. I recently came across the idea of deformable snow, so I was wondering how I would go about doing this. I currently have a flat plate with a ton of bones inside of it.

How do I go about detecting where a player steps, finding a bone within that area and dropping it around 1 stud?


The plugin is great which can help me I Remember first year of being a Dev i didnt know how to make snow fall so thats good idea that you made


I don’t think you should use bones, use a cloth simulation instead. I have made one and I have gotten a very similar result.

How do I go about pulling this off?

I found this, It might help.

(I can’t wait for your plugin also!)


Still working on that plugin? Because the youtube video is private.