local char = game.ReplicatedStorage.Dummy:Clone()
char.Parent = game.Workspace
local Animation = char.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(char.Rise)
repeat task.wait() until Animation.TimeLength > 0
char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = script.Parent.CharacterPointOne.CFrame
Now the problem here is that when I waited for the animation to load and everything, the animation doesn’t load instantly. For some reason, the Animation plays only half a second after the HumanoidRootPart is moved. If you can fix this issue, it would REALLY help.
The reason I added in the first place is because it didn’t work initially. Then I thought maybe the animation needs a little more time to play, then I can move it to the place.
Also why is there a wait(2) at this line, you dont need to wait 2 seconds for :LoadAnimation() it usually only takes a few milliseconds, also, you already have something waiting for the AnimationTrack to load anyways, this wait is useless.
Please stop pointing at the the “unnecessary” waits. I just took the piece of the code working on a small scale and that wait(2) is to delay the upcoming functions.